Ticket Guideline
How to write in gitlab
In order to have an effective DevOps Team, the SCRUM Master must implement the following ticket guideline and also make sure that the team members follow the instructions.
Take Aways
Ideally every project should be divided into tickets that require no more than 16 hrs of work
Tickets should be kept at a maximum of 7 goals (To-Do list)
Tickets should be linked to dependencies to inform the developer on the relationship between projects
Tickets require a UI/UX Diagram, Frontend Diagram and sometimes a Backend Diagram
Backend team member should draw a diagram only if the ticket is considered complex.
Ticket Components
Every ticket is composed of a Title, Description, To-Do list, Dependencies (if applicable), Figma Diagrams, Draw.io Diagrams.
Pre-Fixes In Titles
We will only use a series of prefixes to maximize the communication between the SCRUM Master and the engineering team.
New -
Any ticket for the business or internal team involving a new feature must have the key words "New - " followed by the description of the title.
Update - Any ticket for the business or internal team that requires an "Update, Maintain, or Upgrade" must have the word "Update - " follow by the description of the title.
Bug -
Any ticket for the business or internal team with the aim to "stabilize, fix a bug or refine" any feature must have the key words "Bug -" follow by the description of the title.
Critical -
Any ticket for the business or internal team with the aim to "fix bad architectures, critical outage, critical failure, critical bug" must have the key words "Critical - " follow by the description of the title.
Other -
Any ticket for the business or internal team with a different aim from the above list.
The description of a title should identify the what, why and how of the task assigned.
What - what exactly is aimed to be accomplished on the task at hand.
Why - this step is usually explained on the sprint. However, it is best to briefly explain the why in the ticket to give a better perspective of the vision of the app
How - specify any dependencies with other tasks and/or how it is connected with the goal of the repository.
Preferably a check-list, where the developer can check out the different tasks accomplished on during the execution of the ticket, the To-Do list should have all the main points needed for the completion of the ticket.
The To-Do list must:
Be kept below 7 points
Only state the major goals to accomplish on the ticket
The goals must be measurable, which means, it must be easy to identify if they were accomplished or not.
Projects inside an app could require multiple tickets to get the project done. In many instances, when the project at hand requires over 12 hrs of work or if the ticket can be fragmented in multiple sub-projects, then it is recommended to write smaller tickets and connect them with dependencies to allow the DevOps team to keep track of the project.
UI/UX Diagram (Figma - Design File)
The UI/UX diagram must clearly portrait the final version of the app design.
I. Overview
Every ticket must first show an overview of the design.
II. Detailed Pictures
The ticket writer (SCRUM Master) must show descriptions and the correct flow of the different screens. The SCRUM master must give access to the Figma diagrams, so the engineers can explore the design with more detail.
Frontend Diagram (Figma - FigJam File)
If the ticket is executed by a front-end engineer, the engineer must complete a diagram that matches the Figma design, this to cover all the "use and edge cases".
The diagram must be completed in Figma as a FigJam file. If you do not have access to Figma as an editor please request access to Johan Castellanos.
Backend Diagram (Figma - FigJam File))
If the frontend engineer requires a drawing of the backend architecture, the backend engineer will be required to build a flow chart in draw.io to clarify any confusion on the engineering design.
The diagram must be completed in Figma as a FigJam file. If you do not have access to Figma as an editor please request access to Johan Castellanos.
Time Assign
The SCRUM Master must assign a number of hours for each ticket.
The ticket "Time" must take in consideration the work required to make a Frontend flow diagram
A ticket must not have more than 16 hrs (2 days) of work assigned otherwise it must be split in smaller assignment.
A total of 35 hrs of work per worker should be assign per week. A buffer of 5 hrs is given to last minute issues or margin of error when calculating the time required to finished an assignments.
Type "/estimate" on the comment section of a ticket to assign the time.
Last updated